
Posts Tagged ‘godly’

What do you spend the most time thinking about?

December 2, 2008 5 comments

This morning I had a few minutes and wanted to pose a question to those willing to respond.  Lately I have attempted to monitor what I find myself thinking on.  Man was I SHOCKED to see where my brain went regularly, and how subtly it tracked off course.  Can anyone else relate?  It is a constant put-off (bad thinking) and put-on (right-thinking) battle, that often times goes unchecked!  And we cannot win the battle alone.  We need the Holy Spirit to direct our thinking.  Too many times, we try and just stop the bad action(put-off) and we never replace it with the Godly (righteous) put-on.  So shed the stinking thinking, and enact the put-on below.

In the book of Philippians we find some encouragement….

8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  Philippians 4:8


This Scripture helps me to see those things which I am to focus on.  The world we live in is constantly attempting us to focus on all the opposite things relating to that verse… WOW… Food for thought..

What do you spend time thinking about?  Is it healthy? Is it profitable?  Or even more important, is it Godly?


-Jason (Thinking from an Eternal Perspective)

FIREPROOF: a new movie from the makers of “Facing the Giants”

July 10, 2008 1 comment

My wife and I had a chance to see a sneak preview of the new movie, Fireproof, this week. A church in Georgia put this film together. You may have seen their first films, Facing the Giants and Flywheel, which are great movies to show the whole family. While this new movie is not for really little children, it is for everyone else! 

I like movies with superheroes but I honestly get tired of movies glorifying evil and corruption. Even the “good guys” are often portrayed as villains or with a dark side.

This is a movie that elevates Christ and glorifies good. It’s an honest movie about the struggles of marriage and will make you laugh, cry, think of your own marriage and its struggles, and think of Jesus. I must say we laughed more in this movie than we have in any movie in recent times! It’s very honest and funny!

Needless to say, my wife and I both highly recommend this movie to anyone but little children. I foresee this movie being a handy homework assignment for future married couples who come in for biblical counseling.

To see a trailer of the movie, go to and watch a preview of it.

The movie comes out Friday, September 26th. Please go to the theater to support this movie and to tell Hollywood that we want more movies that openly lift up Christ and the Christian faith in a favorable manner.

-Mark (thankful to churches that are on the “cutting edge” of reaching the lost with the good news of redemption)