
Archive for March, 2009

Happy 1st Year Anniversary, TIL!

March 27, 2009 Leave a comment

Truth in Love Ministries just completed its first year of ministry today!

One year ago, on a Friday, TIL began with 2 biblical counseling sessions and 3 volunteer biblical counselors in our first day and week of ministry.

Today, in a typical week, we do 40 biblical counseling sessions with 22 biblical counselors!

Wow, how God is growing this ministry that seeks to glorify Him first and foremost!

God is replicating His children in 2 ways through this ministry: counselees and counselors! Everyone spiritually grows in our model of ministry and strong Christians become stronger.

It’s a genius design simply because it’s His design! To God be the glory!

Special thanks to our over 40 volunteers who are dedicated to Christ and serve in this ministry!

-Mark (celebrating 20x more counseling sessions & 7x more biblical counselors in just the 1st year of ministry – God is just showing off how great, mighty, and AWESOME He is!)

Alcohol IS a drug (part 2)

March 27, 2009 Leave a comment

Alcohol is a drug in liquid form in the same way that cough syrup that contains codeine is a drug in liquid form AND like coffee contains a DRUG (caffeine) in liquid form.

Wikipedia states, “Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that acts as a psychoactive stimulant drug and a mild diuretic.”

So why do we put alcohol and (coffee) in a different category when we use the termilogoy “alcohol and drugs”? Isn’t that redundant since alcohol is a drug?

Socially, alcohol is acceptable.

Legally, it is approved so long as you don’t harm others while it is in your system.

Biblically, God says not to be drunk with wine which leads to utter ruin, and He warns us in many ways of the real and devastating consequences of drunkenness throughout the Scriptures.

What is at the “heart” of our using the terms that we use in modern society? Are we trying to convey truth or are we deceiving ourselves?

-Mark (Remembering that words are important because by our words we will be justified and by our words we will be condemned)

Alcohol IS a drug (part 1)

March 24, 2009 Leave a comment

Cough syrup is a drug in liquid form. Likewise, alcohol is a drug in liquid form.

So why do we think of alcohol differently than we do other drugs? Why does our culture put it into a totally different category? Some say, “alcohol is legal” but so are other over the counter meds that come in pill or liquid form.

Why do we separate “alcohol” from “drugs” when it IS a drug?

I’d love to hear your thoughts before you hear mine!

-Mark (to be continued…)

Now or Later: Parenting will cost you!

March 20, 2009 1 comment

Parents are going to pay a price either on the FRONT end or the BACK end for how they teach OR fail to teach their children.

If you INVEST your time and energy to discipline your children in the Lord (Eph. 6:4) while they are young, the investment will pay off down the road. For example, you may have to sacrifice some material goods now and allow mom to stay home with the little ones, but the long-term benefits will be there. Your sacrifice will pay off. Your spiritual investment will pay “dividends” spiritually speaking.

If you choose NOT to invest your time and energy in disciplining your children in the Lord, then it WILL cost you in the long run. You may decide to neglect church OR home worship times OR think that your children are going to pick up spiritual things from people other than their parents. If you neglect your God-given responsibilities of parenting, you will pay the price and your children and grandchildren and greatgrandchildren may also pay a hefty price.

We counsel so many parents who have sacrificed their children on the altar of the idolatry of greed for financial gain. They accrue huge amounts of money, houses, cars, and other material possessions; however, they are failing to teach their children about serving Christ and end up squandering their hard earned cash on drug rehabs, medical bills stemming from sinful choices, and other selfish, poor choices that the “now an adult” child is making (like getting pregnant out of wedlock and having to raise their GRANDbaby,etc.).

Parenting will cost you: now…or later, if you neglect to fulfill your responsibility to the Lord.

-Mark (praying for God’s grace in my parenting and remembering to invest in my children’s spiritual well-being)

Share your thoughts on Journaling…

March 16, 2009 Leave a comment

 Are you keeping a journal of all the awesome things God is doing in your life and the lives of those around you?  Please share your successes and failures regarding journaling.  Remember we are writing for the generation’s to come.  Your kids will be encouraged reading stories of how God showed Himself faithful!  Write down the vision….




Categories: Questions, Uncategorized

Louisville Cardinals #1 Overall Seed

March 16, 2009 1 comment

This has NOTHING to do with anything of eternal significance, but the Louisville Cardinals have been my favorite team for 30+ years now.

For the first time in UL history, they are the number 1 seed overall in the NCAA Tournament that begins this week. I hope they can live up to this lofty position but the Bible reminds me that pride comes before a fall.

It should be an interesting 3 weeks in the 2009 NCAA Basketball Tourney regardless. Congrats to Jason Cooke’s Mississippi State team who made the tourney, also!

-Mark (Go Cards!)

Everyday Talk

March 12, 2009 Leave a comment

I just finished reading Everyday Talk by John A. Younts and I HIGHLY recommend you purchase and read this book if you are a parent.

This book is an easy read that deals with a profound topic: our words about our Creator and how those words impact our families.

I already want to read it again because there are many “ah-ha” themes in it.

Basically, the book is about how we must be mindful of our “everyday talk” with our children about the Lord. The book will challenge you to be more aware of how you talk, listen, and reflect God to your family. It is an easy read written powerfully yet simply. It is my kind of book!

-Mark (thankful for the wisdom of God spoken through John A. Younts!)