Home > Partnerships, Posts by Mark, Truth in Love Staff > 5 Board Members of TIL = 5 Different Churches = Unity in Christ

5 Board Members of TIL = 5 Different Churches = Unity in Christ

One of the things I am most pleased about is TIL’s unity in Christ. We have 5 people serving on our board and all 5 attend different churches in 3 different denominations yet we have great unity in Christ on our Board.

I am technically not on the Board though I am Founder of the ministry, but if you count me, we have 6 different churches and 4 different denominations represented yet have wonderful unity.

I want to connect the universal body of Christ and get us past denominational, divisive lines. I do believe that there are some Christian doctrines that CANNOT be compromised; however, I think most of the time, Christians major on the minors.

-Mark (thankful to serve with such a diverse group of people)

  1. Michael Olvey
    August 21, 2008 at 5:00 pm

    Amen to the unity and diversty.When you add the denominations and churches that the counselees come from it even gets broader. The word of God will speak to all who will listen.

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